Saturday, July 22, 2006

Training the Brain

Two free articles in the current issue of “Scientific American Mind”, one about training the mind using computer games and the second about taste In ‘Circuit Training’:
Kasper Mossman discusses Ryuta Kawashima’s game ‘Brain Age’. Kawashima’s idea is that your brain has its own age and if you do not train it, it gets old. He has various exercise to train the brain. Gross man who is only 34 had an estimated brain age of 60 to begin with but:
“After a week of exercises such as Low to High, CalculationsÅ~100, and Head Count, were my synapses any slicker? It is hard to say, when there is no external yardstick against which to measure progress. But one week into brain training, while taking a phone message, I found I could effortlessly hold one 10-digit number in my head and scribble down another. Maybe Kawashima is onto something.”
Mossmam also describes other computer games designed for children with attention difficulties and patients recovering from brain injuries.
See also another free article by Ulrich Kraft “Train Your Brain”:
I have already forgotten the contents of this earlier article. It is time to start training my brain.

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